image man and child smiling at each other

How To Store Your Dentures Overnight

April 4, 2022

Dentures are a popular investment when it comes to replacing missing teeth. They help you smile with confidence, eat your food well and talk as you normally would have before losing your teeth. However, to make sure your dentures last for years to come, you need to follow the right maintenance and after-care routine! Here’s a small guide that will help you ensure your investment is well taken care of:

The importance of denture care

Your dentures may seem like sturdy dental devices, but like any other prosthetic, they need to be looked after well to ensure you don’t run into any problems with them. If you wear, clean and store your dentures properly, you can prevent your dentures from drying out, losing shape or becoming increasingly uncomfortable to wear. Dentures that haven’t been cleaned or stored well usually become a prime target for bacteria to breed.

How to store your dentures properly

Unless our dentists recommend otherwise, you should generally remove your dentures and brush them at the end of each day, before storing them away in clean water or denture cleaning solution overnight. By opting for denture cleaning solution, this helps reduce the risk of bacteria breeding and also prevents any unpleasant odours as well. Make sure you rinse out your dentures in clean water, however, before wearing them in the morning to avoid ingesting of the solution and causing irritation.

What to avoid when storing your dentures

If you wear your dentures overnight, this will definitely lead to an increase in bacteria and plaque so avoid this by carrying out proper storage. If you use clean water or denture cleaning tablets that need to be soaked in water, make sure the water you use isn’t hot as this can warp your dentures! Some other things that can damage your dentures are hard brushes, abrasive toothpastes and whitening products. Instead, all you need to use to keep your dentures clean are a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle toothpaste.

Your denture cleaning routine each night will only take you a couple of minutes at most! But these few minutes are vital to ensuring that your dentures are kept hygienic and comfortable for you to wear. Have any other questions? Call our expert dental staff at Melton Dental and we’ll make sure all your questions are answered.