Sedation (Sleep) Dentistry

Does anxiety or fear of the dentist prevent you from getting the dental care you need? If you’ve been putting off routine treatments or avoiding a more complex procedure because of dental phobia, then Melton Dental Group can help.

Our comfortable and convenient sleep dentistry options use safe sedation methods to help you relax throughout your appointment. As a result, we can complete your procedure more efficiently; it’s a win-win for all, and you’ll likely ask yourself, “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

Whether it’s a fear of pain, needles, or simply the sound of a dental drill, many individuals avoid essential dental care due to anxiety. Thanks to sleep dentistry, we’re changing the way Melton families experience modern dental care. Offering this safe and gentle service to our patients and their families allows us to facilitate the best care experience possible.

With several years of experience providing sleep dentistry solutions, our Melton dentists are committed to providing comfortable, safe and pain-free dental care for you. During your consultation, we will discuss the types of sedation available, their benefits and how they relate to your unique situation and needs. You can then make the best choice about moving forward with your treatment and letting go of your dental fears.

What is Sleep Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a type of dentistry used to help anxious patients remain calm during dental procedures.  Sometimes it’s referred to as “sleep dentistry,” although patients usually remain awake unless under general anesthesia. Using these methods can help pass time faster if you have more complex or longer treatments. There are different types of sedation options available in dentistry, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, intravenous (IV) sedation and General Anaesthesia.

Our Melton dentists are highly qualified and experienced in performing anaesthetic techniques. We’ll make sure your treatments are completed smoothly from beginning to end, and you feel completely at ease during your dental visits.

Why should I consider Sleep Dentistry?

Choosing to undergo sleep dentistry treatments is generally a personal choice for you to make. However, our dentists may recommend dental sedation to you for dozens of reasons. You may want to consider sedation dentistry for you and your family for the following reasons:

  • Have past experiences that have caused a fear of dentists
  • Fear of dental tools or the dental setting
  • Need to undergo a lengthy or complex dental treatment
  • Want to complete all or most of your treatment in one appointment
  • Behavioural concerns that prevent a child from sitting still for a set period of time
  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Have hypersensitive gag reflex or teeth

If any of the above reasons are preventing you from getting the dental care you need then dental sedation is for you!

Is Sleep Dentistry safe?

Before completing any type of sedation appointment, we will thoroughly review your dental history and current medical health. If you’re allergic to specific medications, have had recent surgeries, responded poorly to sedatives in the past, or have known diagnosed health concerns, you can make us aware of it so we can help you through your procedure with a tailored treatment plan.

At times, we may need to communicate with your primary doctor or health care specialist to discuss unique concerns in advance. Be sure to bring a list of all medications and supplements that you’re currently taking.

Sedation dentistry is extremely safe when administered by a practised anaesthesiologist. Going under general anaesthesia however has its risks. Therefore it is an option for more severe cases after the consideration for sedation methods fail. Due in part to the thorough screening process we undertake for each patient and the additional training and licensure required of our Melton sleep dentists we ensure a safe sedation process..

Types Of Sedation Dentistry

Oral Sedation

About an hour prior to your scheduled treatment, you will be prescribed a strong sedative that will come in the form of a pill or a liquid that you take. You’ll gradually start to feel as if you’re dozing off, but you will still be semi-conscious. If a second dose is needed, we will give it to you at the beginning of your appointment. You will still be able to answer simple questions and instructions (such as, “open wide” or “turn your head”) but will be completely relaxed during your treatment.

Nitrous Oxide (Happy Gas/Laughing Gas)

The lightest and gentlest type of dental sedation is the form breathed in through a soft nosepiece. Often called “laughing gas” due to the light-heartedness that so often accompanies it, nitrous oxide lessens your anxiety and perception of pain while allowing you to remain fully conscious. It takes about five minutes to start working, and about the same time to wear off.

IV Sedation

IV sedation allows for a deeper sedative experience that leaves you semi-conscious. It is directly administered into your bloodstream and lasts for a precise amount of time. The effects start very quickly, within just a minute or so of being administered. As soon as your treatment is complete, the medication is turned off, and the effects wear off quite fast.

General Anaesthesia

This is the strongest type of sedation as it allows you to be completely unconscious for the treatment. It is generally a mix of intravenous medication and nitrous oxide administered by one of our qualified dentists to help you stay in a deep sleep as the procedure is being carried out. This is typically reserved for more invasive procedures for patients with severe dental anxiety.

Oral Sedation

About an hour prior to your scheduled treatment, you will be prescribed a strong sedative that will come in the form of a pill or a liquid that you take. You’ll gradually start to feel as if you’re dozing off, but you will still be semi-conscious. If a second dose is needed, we will give it to you at the beginning of your appointment. You will still be able to answer simple questions and instructions (such as, “open wide” or “turn your head”) but will be completely relaxed during your treatment.

Nitrous Oxide (Happy Gas/Laughing Gas)

The lightest and gentlest type of dental sedation is the form breathed in through a soft nosepiece. Often called “laughing gas” due to the light-heartedness that so often accompanies it, nitrous oxide lessens your anxiety and perception of pain while allowing you to remain fully conscious. It takes about five minutes to start working, and about the same time to wear off.

IV Sedation

IV sedation allows for a deeper sedative experience that leaves you semi-conscious. It is directly administered into your bloodstream and lasts for a precise amount of time. The effects start very quickly, within just a minute or so of being administered. As soon as your treatment is complete, the medication is turned off, and the effects wear off quite fast.

General Anaesthesia

This is the strongest type of sedation as it allows you to be completely unconscious for the treatment. It is generally a mix of intravenous medication and nitrous oxide administered by one of our qualified dentists to help you stay in a deep sleep as the procedure is being carried out.

Benefits of Sleep Dentistry

With sleep dentistry solutions in Melton, you will no longer have to delay getting the dental care you need because it:

  • Helps reduce dental fear and anxiety
  • Controls gag reflex
  • Reduces pain and discomfort
  • Improves patient comfort, helping you stay relaxed throughout the entire procedure
  • Allows our dentists to work more efficiently
  • Improves oral health
  • Makes it possible to carry out multiple or complex treatments in just one visit
  • It is a safe and effective way of receiving treatment

Which procedures normally require Dental Sedation?

We may recommend sleep dentistry especially if you’re scheduled to have one or more of the following treatments:

What should I expect after a Sedation Appointment?

If you’re scheduled to have sedation via laughing gas (nitrous), then you can plan to drive yourself home afterwards as the effects wear off quite quickly.

However, sleep dentistry involving IV, general anaesthesia or oral sedation may have you feeling quite drowsy for several hours afterwards. So you must have a trusted friend, colleague, or family member accompany you to this appointment. During your recovery in our clinic, we will provide written instructions to the person bringing you home and let them know what to watch for. They should remain with you for throughout the day until your drowsiness subsides.

Some people experience mild nausea, headaches and dry mouth after sedation. We’ll ask that you not eat or drink leading up to the appointment and only sip on clear liquids to keep your stomach empty (this helps lower your risk of nausea). By the end of the day, you’ll likely have a healthy appetite and be ready to eat a full meal if your dental work allows it.

How do I find a Sleep Dentist?

Not all dentists offer (or are licensed to provide) sleep dentistry in their practice. Your dentist of choice will need to have appropriate training and licensure in the type of sedation that you’re considering.

At Melton Dental, our dentists are highly trained and licensed to provide calming sleep dentistry techniques to our patients. Our priority is to ensure you get the dental care you deserve in a stress-free environment!

Scared of the Dentist? Try Sleep Dentistry in Melton!

One of the biggest problems with dental phobia is that it prevents people from being able to treat and manage their existing dental problems. As a result, issues such as cavities have the opportunity to expand deeper into teeth and spread into adjacent ones. Before long, they turn into painful dental conditions that require costly and lengthy treatments such as root canals, dental crowns and extractions.

With sleep dentistry,  you can overcome your fear of the dentist and get the dental care you deserve when you need it most. From there, regular preventative measures can help you avoid problems before they have a chance to start.

Having a sleep dentistry appointment could be one of the best things you’ve ever done for yourself or your smile!