Zirconia Dental Implants

Are you on the lookout for a safe and metal-free dental implant as an alternative to titanium implants? If so, Zirconia dental implants are the perfect holistic dental solution for you. Offering a wide range of benefits, these Zirconia metal-free implants are an effective tooth replacement solution without the need for metals in your mouth.

At Melton Dental, we have a team of skilled and experienced implant specialists who can help you achieve a dazzling smile using Zirconia dental implants. Whether you are concerned about the potential health implications of titanium implants or simply desire a more aesthetic finish to your smile, we’re here to help you with metal-free dental restorations.

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

If you have missing or damaged teeth, dental implants are one of the most effective ways to replace them. They are artificial tooth roots that are inserted into your jawbone to provide a stable, secure base for your prosthetic teeth.

With several types of dental implants available, Zirconia implants have become one of the most popular tooth replacement solutions. Also known as ceramic implants, they are made using Zirconia – a strong, metal-free and biocompatible material.

The biocompatible nature of Zirconia makes it the ideal tooth replacement solution for patients with allergic reactions or sensitivities to metal, as they don’t cause any adverse reactions in your body. They are typically white, closely resembling the natural colour of teeth, which makes them an attractive option for patients seeking a more natural look. They are also highly durable, making them resistant to daily wear and tear your teeth withstand.

Leaving missing or damaged teeth can affect your confidence, smile and function of your teeth. Not only that, it can also lead to painful dental conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease. What better way to replace your missing teeth than with this safe, long-lasting, reliable, and holistic approach that is Zirconia Implants?

Our Zirconia Dental Implant Process

At Melton Dental, we have a simple and straightforward dental implant process in place. Designed to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness, this is what our treatment process looks like:

  • Step 1Initial Consultation
    Using X-rays and 3D scans, we assess your oral health, bone density and gum health to determine if you meet the eligibility requirements.
  • Step 2Personalised Treatment Plan
    If you meet these requirements, our skilled dentist will create a personalised treatment plan for you, ensuring the greater success of your implant procedure.
  • Step 3Implant Placement
    Your Zirconia implant will be surgically placed into your jawbone, where it will fuse with the bone to provide a stable base for your prosthetic teeth.
  • Step 4Fabrication
    We will take impressions of your teeth to create your new prosthetic teeth. Our artisanal dentists will leave no detail untouched in crafting your prosthetic tooth.
  • Step 5Prosthetic Teeth Placement
    Once the implant has successfully fused with the bone, your premium prosthetic teeth will be connected to it, restoring your beautiful smile.

Zirconia Implants vs. Titanium Implants

If you are looking for tooth replacement solutions, it’s only natural to wonder which is better – Zirconia or Titanium. Both Zirconia and titanium, with their unique properties and offerings, are the two commonly used dental implant materials.

Titanium implants have been the go-to solution for tooth replacement for many decades now. They offer a strong and durable solution that’s also biocompatible. Sometimes, however, it can cause allergic reactions in patients with metal sensitivities. In addition, titanium can also integrate seamlessly with the jawbone, providing a secure base for the replacement tooth.

On the other hand, Zirconia implants have grown in popularity over recent years as a metal-free alternative to titanium implants. Made of highly biocompatible Zirconia material, these implants also fuse seamlessly with the bone. One property of Zirconia implants that stands out is their natural-looking appearance. They closely resemble the shade of your natural teeth, unlike titanium implants, where a greyish tint can sometimes be seen.

Zirconia dental implants are generally more expensive than their titanium counterparts. This is due to the cost of the material and the advanced technology required for their manufacturing.

How to Choose the Best Dental Implant Material for You

The choice of materials for your dental implants will depend on several factors, including:

  • Individual needs and preferences: If you prefer a more aesthetically pleasing tooth replacement solution, Zirconia implants that mimic the translucent nature of your natural teeth are a better choice.
  • Your health: If you have a history of allergies or sensitivities to metals, opting for Zirconia implants is a safer choice as they are highly biocompatible.
  • Professional recommendation: Your dentist will recommend the dental implant material most suitable for you after assessing your oral health, preferences and other factors.

How Much Does Zirconia Implants Cost?

The cost of dental implants depends on several factors. The number of implants needed, the complexity of the procedure, and pre-treatment procedures such as bone grafting are some factors that influence the Zirconia implant cost.

When you come in for a consultation, our friendly dentists will be able to provide a more accurate estimate of Zirconia implant costs after assessing your specific needs. Because we believe in accessible dental care, we also offer dental payment plans so you can get the dental care you need when you need it the most!

Melton Dental: The Implant Dentist You Can Trust

Missing teeth can be a pain and significantly impact the quality of your life. However, thanks to Zirconia dental implants, you can restore your missing teeth with a long-lasting and natural-looking solution.

The placement of Zirconia implants requires precise surgical techniques and careful handling to avoid fractures. This calls for a skilled and experienced dental professional to ensure successful outcomes. At Melton Dental, our experienced, artisanal dentists have years of experience transforming smiles with Zirconia implants. We are committed to providing you with the highest quality dental implants and care you need. We also offer safe, comfortable and convenient sleep dentistry options to make your dental treatment stress-free and painless. Our sedation or sleep dentistry options include nitrous oxide, oral sedation, intravenous (IV) sedation and General Anaesthesia – all of which will help you remain calm and comfortable during your implant process.

Restoring your beautiful smile with implants at Melton Dental is as easy as it gets. All you have to do is rest back and entrust your smile to us. We will take care of your tooth replacement needs and restore your smile with care and attention.

Contact us today to find out if Zirconia Implants are the right choice for you!